Sunday, 29 June 2008

Anyone else starting to suspect....

...that people really aren't all that impressed by their mixes? ;D


Matt said...

i'm very impressed by the one i recieved and feel it should have a decent review, unfortunately it's taking a while to write...

Anonymous said...

I'm more starting to suspect that no-one's going to send me one.

Claire said...

Hee. I'm loving mine, but keep leaving it in the car (am a disorganised wee midden)...must get it inside and write about it - bring on the end of term :-).


Anonymous said...

I'm sure I'd be very impressed by mine. If it arrives.

Unknown said...

I need to be in a far less confusing place and bit more settled in order to give mine a listen. It is currently living somewhere, where I am not. So I will listen and review once life settles down. This may not be until August now though. And sorry to my mixee for sending it so late, but the situation was rather crazy lately so...

Martin said...

i'm still writing my review. I'll try and get it written today or tomorrow :-)

Del said...

You said that a week ago Martin. LOL!

Martin said...

I know...but I was waiting on the person who produced the CD to make themselves known....this didn't happen, so in the end i gave up waiting and i'm now writing the review :-p

Del said...

You're supposed to write the review, then the author reveals themselves and gives you the full tracklisting.
Mine was a bit different, as the stamps said POLSKA on them, which kinda gave it away!

Martin said...

Just thought it would be nice to do a similar review to yours, Del...with my review alongside the comments from the person who produced the CD....not a problem, i'm on it now anyhow.

NTG said...

i've wrtten 99% of my review. i just need to do the last but one song and make it readable by normal(ish) people and it'll be up. i still have no idea who its from

PH said...

I haven't made a comment on this post yet.