Monday, 9 June 2008

All done!

It's finished, the sleeve 'art' is done and it's in the post.
I'm now rather nervous, despite getting very good reviews for my last two GGF mixes. This seems different somehow...


ania + said...

mine are done too, but the post is on strike so i cant post them...

Martin said...

I'm awaiting an arrival from amazon, so i can add the final touches to my second mix CD...then i have to do a fancy album sleeve and i can post it with pride :-)

Unknown said...

I'm being technologically inept so getting soemone else to do the hard work for me. Which means I will have it finished tomorrow and sent when I get paid. Yay!

Matt said...

Sounds like lots of people are at the 'almost done' stage :)

Unknown said...

I have actually finished it now. I fugured out what I messed up with my track listing. It was real ineptitude and nothing else.

Can't afford to post it until payday though.

PH said...

Mine are posted...